Medical Checkup

Well, you guess you'd better get this over and done with. You've never liked medical checkups, but you suppose they're not exactly supposed to be fun.

The Doctor scans you with a laser-beam device and then asks you to step into the cylindrical scanner in the corner of the room. The door closes, and very suddenly, you're enclosed in a tube only a couple of inches wider than you are, with no immediately obvious way to open the door from the inside. If...oh god, if the Doctor were to drop dead right there, who knows how long you'd be stuck before someone came in to check on you? Would you be too late for the shuttle to your one ticket out of here, the Caerus? Would you just slowly starve to -- the door to the scanning tube slides open before you can finish your thought and work yourself into a full-on panic attack.

The Doctor looks at the glowing and slowly blinking panel on the side of the cylindrical scanner, then glances down at the notes on her medi-pad before letting you know you're cleared to leave. If she notices the several seconds it takes you to collect yourself before you can step into the corridor outside, she doesn't mention it.

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